Saturday, June 27, 2009

Different between demands & needs

Is there any different between demands & needs?
Let's take a look to tier definition.
Needs: all things you need to pass your daily life
Demands: all the things you desire to have for making a good life.
What will happen? If we don't pay attention to their different enough
We will encounter with a lot problems.
We will consume our money without aiming a good life! Why?
Let me explain about that. Because we just consume our salary without any investment.
There are several ways for investing:
1-clereck method
2-wlefare method
3-investment method
4-gambling method

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

increase your abilities

there is a quastion which of them is better Experience or skill
you can think about that .then you can answer is skill .
because the humane knowlege is becoming tiwce in every tow year.
it meanse that if you want to be an update person you need to study.
and learn about chengings.